Søndag, 2. desember 2018 // kl.18:00

På årets siste kafekonsert kan du få med deg storyteller Angela Halvorsen Bogo og musiker Jan- Egil Engnes som gir liv til den klassiske fortellingen “A Christmas Carol”. Dette blir en intim og stemingsfull førjulsopplevelse. Det hele foregår på engelsk, og det blir også servering av mulled- wine og mince pies.

Mer om A Christmas Carol kan du lese her på engelsk:

Storyteller Angela Halvorsen Bogo comes from a Scottish storytelling tradition where each village once had its ‘ceilidh or meeting house’. Traditional stories were told, with music, food and drink that created genuine connection.

This evening is a social happening in the same spirit where through this story, music, food and drink, together, we create an atmospheric moment of Christmas.

Angela tells in A Christmas Carol in an intimate manner creating a new way to experience this classic Christmas story. Jan-Egil Engnes is supporting the storytelling with music, weaving in English carols and making sound pictures under the words.

We create an atmosphere where the listeners themselves make the images of the miser, Ebenezer Scrooge, the cold and foggy Christmas Eve, an 1800s London, the pale Ghost of Christmas Past and Bob Cratchit, the poor clerk hurrying home to celebrate Christmas with his family.

At the start of the evening there will be a lively introduction to some of the lovely old English Christmas traditions. After the performance we will sing both English and Norwegian carols and serve the famous, traditional WARM MINCE PIES AND MULLED WINE (non- alcoholic)

Suitable for adults (and young people over 10, who understand English).

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/542385026186740/

Billetter kr. 150 inkludert pai og mulled wine. Billetter kan forhåndskjøpes via vipps til Angela H. Bogo 900 33 964 eller i døra.

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